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Cape May Vacation Rentals - Coldwell Banker Sol Needles Real Estate

Coldwell Banker Sol Needles Real Estate - Vacation Rentals

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Sunset in Town Bank

The Early Spring Issue

Inside the issue: Historic Town Bank: The history of a village by the bay. Tagging along with the Cape May Whale Watch & Research Center. A look at those bridges you’ll cross on the way to Cape May. Local, Legend, Lifeguard: Paying tribute to Buzz Mogck. And more!

On the cover: Sunset in Town Bank. Photograph by Anne Walsh

Brit's Eye View with Richard Crossley

Design in Bloom with Elaine Stevenson Haas

Try This at Home with Chef Jon Davies

Dining Out Restaurant Reviews

Prime Selections with Elaine Stevenson Haas

Coldwell Banker Sol Needles Real Estate - Vacation Rentals

Sound Waves Cape May's music scene

The Islander Interviews with locals

FIELD TRIP Roadtripping with Marjorie Preston

Preserved Property with Bill Godfrey

Architectural Observations

Be Our Guest Accommodation reviews with Marjorie Preston Plan, stay, play explore.

Featured Shop

Interior Motives

Grape & Grain




The Washington Inn, 801 Washington Street Cape May

We can easily say that Cape May Magazine is like no other. This unique lifestyle magazine about America’s first seaside resort is something you can sit and relax with, reading at your own pace and exploring each page.

Printed on high quality paper and square-back bound, it’s delivered to your door six times a year. Each edition is filled with stunning photographs and lively stories from this famous South Jersey locale, a town that generations of visitors call their “happy place.”

In addition to fascinating features about Cape May’s past and present day challenges, you’ll find regular columns on birding, nature, personalities, architecture and real estate; plus restaurant reviews, shopping advice and seasonal recipes.

The website you’re looking at here is but a sample of the real thing–the beautifully printed magazine that you can hold and savor one page at a time… and lay on your coffee table for casual reading later.

Discover it for yourself. We think you’ll find Cape May Magazine is extraordinary.

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