Fire at the Iron Pier
Cape May’s massive Iron Pier was built in 1884, extending more than 1,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean. On May 17th 1907, a fire ran rampant through the pier, destroying the iconic structure. It is said that a pot of tar boiling over on a stove in one of the homes is to blame for the flames, reported by Chief Hanes.
These two post cards were rescued from the fire and lived to tell the tale.

Sent May 18, 1907
How’s Cornwall, this card was rescued from the fire at the pier this afternoon
Addressed to:
Miss Jane Hall
Cornwall on Hudson
New York
Box 177

Sent May 18, 1907
Dear Elsie have bin going to drop you card and write fore Long time the Iron Pier burnt down today and this card came from there
Aunt Meg Love to All
Addressed to:
Miss Elsie N. Angerath
5334 Walton Av
West Phila