For the Ocean
Cape May has plenty of allure, and much of it has been curated by local shop owners, bed and breakfasts, careful caretakers of historic structures, restaurateurs and more. But its foundational attraction is the great blue salty expanse that hugs the island, drawing people to Cape May for stunning natural scenery and summertime bathing.
These cards capture both breathtaking snapshots of the powerful Atlantic Ocean and our coastline as well as the impressions of visitors from decades past, dating as far back as 1908.

June 11, 1934
Dear Johny, do you remember the northeaster at camp last year? I hope you are having a fine time at camp. We are down here at the friends conference and getting good and sun-burned. There are quite a few Swarthmore people here too. Elizabeth and I have been reading down here in the lobby so we can listen to the radio but we’re sleepy now
Your friend Stubbie

August 23, 1908
I am among the Ocean Bathers at Cape May, N.J.
First came down for the day and an ocean bath. The beach here is the best I ever saw.

August 17, 1910
Front of card: Raging Sea Under Cape May Pier
We are having rain nearly every day hope it will be better soon. have not had time to get my 40 winks this week. Have been so busy sewing. marked out the other ruffle fudda skirt. Ashton is in Wilmington del . did not stay in Washington. have not received any mail for you this week. Will you be at home Sat.
– S.t.

July 1, 1946
Front of card: A Majestic Breaker from the Mighty Deep at Cape May, N.J.
Dear Edith, fam having a good time. It has rained this morning. I think it is going to clear up.
Love Margaret

May (possibly 1930)
Front of Card: Breakers at Cape May, N.J.
Come on in Sue the water will be fine by 4th of July.
714 Broadway
West Cape May