Lovingly, Anna
The year was 1907. Anna visited the quaint seaside town of Cape May, presumably not from too far away considering the lack of access back then. To set the stage a bit, horse-drawn carriages were still parading up and down dirt roads like the ones displayed in the pictures, when carriages were not just a theatrical method of tourist transport to illustrate Cape May’s Victorian history. In a town famous for its preservation of the past, perhaps it is not too difficult to picture the setting.
Anna writes to her friend Fanny, who resided in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, about her summer enjoyments in Cape May. A year passes, and she returns in the summer of 1908 for some rest, and continues to inform Fanny about her stay. Cape May lingo for visitors who regularly return in the summer are considered “shlocals” and the less regular visitors are “shoobies.” I wonder if Anna was one of the earliest shlocals? She obviously enjoyed her time here enough to return for more and to update her dear friend Fanny.

August 29, 1907
Dear Fanny
I wish you were here today. The bathing is fine so is the sailing. The house is particularly comfortable with good table. We are all well. Write tell to me all about the moving.
To: Mrs Andrew L Sloan
(On the front: Love to all.. Affectionately, Anna)

August 30, 1907
My dear Fanny
I like this house very much. Saw Emily Gilpin today- went to see Mrs Garrett – took a sail with Emma Neilson- go there to eat crabs tonight I’ve caught 10 fish – all well + fine- Hope you are well
Lovingly Anna
To: Mrs Andrew L Sloan

September 2, 1908
Dear Fanny
We are very comfortably fixed and I feel rested already it has begun to rain tonight but I hope it will not last as Louis is coming tomorrow
Love to Fanny + hope you are better
Your Anna
To: Mrs Andrew L Sloan

September 4, 1908
Am so glad you are going to Spring Lake. I enjoyed your mothers letter it was so bright, I hope she will soon be well I feel quite rested
Lovingly Anna BL
To: Miss Frances Sloan