Mail for the Millers
Correspondence via postcards sent to Sandy and Orville Miller from different members of their family, including her brother Bob and sister-in-law Marta, were kept safe by Sandy in her comprehensive collection of historic Cape May postcards. Coincidentally, the first three cards came annually in the month of August, all featured a Cape May Point scene, and, on the grim side, the first two mention a funeral.
In 1977, we see that Sandy’s son, Owen Miller, received a postcard addressed to the Windward House on Jackson Street, the bed & breakfast Mrs. Miller owned and operated for 40 years. Among the hundreds of postcards from her collection, these select few feel sacred, documenting updates from her loved ones—the same sentiment that prevents us from deleting cherished text messages from those we hold dear. These cards may be even more special, having the personal touch of unique handwriting and the knowledge that both sender and recipient held the same cardstock in their hand.

August 6, 1963
I’ll be in Phila on Wednesday for a funeral. May have a chance to see you if I have time.
Addressed to: Mr + Mrs Owen Miller

August 4, 1964
Margaret Freas died this morning and Bob is going to take the funeral at [zic] on Friday at 2PM. We will be up about noon. I will collect all the things we need so don’t send any thing down with Miriam. Everyone is all upset about Margaret it was completely sudden and very tragic. See you Friday.
Addressed to: Mrs. O. O. Miller

August 26 1965
We thought you might like this card for your collection and eve just had to let you know how much we enjoyed our stay at your place. We can’t get over how beautiful it is. The house the furniture and setting. But it couldnt have happened to two nicer people. We’ll be happy to see you whenever you can make it. Mark was asking when you would be down. We’ll be praying for good weather for next week whenever you get down. It was very warm here today. How would you like us to buy that little house in back of you. Find out if it is available.
Love – Mom + Dad
Addressed to: Mr. + Mrs. O. Owen Miller

August 1, 1977
Thank you for my gift. Love Justin
Addressed to: O.J. Miller