Staying at The Windsor Hotel
The Windsor Hotel was built in 1879 and earned a reputation as the “Queen of the Cape May hotels,” because of its quintessential Cape May look. Most of these cards are stamped from over a century ago, when the establishment was very active. This queen had been visited by Hollywood stars such as Gloria Swanson, prominent political figures like Joseph Kennedy, Sr., and even a royal stay by American-born Princess of Monaco, Grace Kelly.
During the final phase of the queen’s reign, Reverend Dr. Carl McIntire operated the building primarily for use of his religious agenda, housing his followers during conventions. It eventually closed down in the early 1970s for violating fire code; a foreshadowing, perhaps?
Of the many landmark hotels that helped put Cape May on the map and are no longer, The Windsor’s departure is marked with suspicion. Destroyed by fire in 1979, exactly 100 years since it was built, Cape May had not been so vigorously burned since the fire of 1878, which destroyed 40 acres in under 12 hours. The Windsor fire swept through the building but was remarkably contained, not causing any other damage even to its neighbors only five feet away. These cards capture the building’s heyday and the visitors delighted by their stay.

August 10, 1907
Am having a dandy time but will be back Monday

September 13, 1909
Dear Emma
Your card rec’d. Hope Katherine is entirely well by this time. Expect to return to City in two weeks. Love to all.
Your Aunt Gertrude

May 9, 1914
The Windsor, Cape May NJ.
Dear John
This it [sic] the picture of the hotel I am staying at.
Love to all

August 31, 1925
The cross marks our room. It is delightful here and I wish you all were with us. We look like Indians. Hope you are feeling better. Left Miss Gilcher in W. Phila. last Tues. Mabel sends best regards
Sincerely – Ella